2020 - Present
The COVID Pandemic
The COVID pandemic affected everyone and everything, grinding workplaces and people's lives to a halt. To address this DragonCore got to work almost immediately; Building out a suite of tools to assist health units in managing everything from case and contact management to vaccine scheduling.
Listed below are the different tools and platforms we built to contribute to the fight against COVID.
Ontario Public Health Units
In response to the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, DragonCore swiftly developed the COVID Case and Contact Management system for Public Health units in Ontario. Within just four months, the system was utilized by nearly ten Health Units across the province, covering 33% of Ontario's population. Before the Ministry of Health mandated the use of SalesForce throughout the province, our product played a crucial role in managing tens of thousands of cases and significantly contributed to Ontario's COVID-19 response efforts.
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Vaccine Gateway
In Southwestern Ontario, our COVID Vaccine Gateway needed to handle surges of people throughout certain periods of time. This led to the solution running traffic listeners and scaling out the application to support the load dynamically based on usage. The gateway's job was to assist users in scheduling their appointment based on the vaccination category they fit into.
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Out of Province Vaccination Registration
Our Out of Province Vaccine Registration application aided thousands of individuals in registering for Vaccine Passports, streamlining the process for many.
BC Health Units
Leveraging our expertise and accomplishments in working with Ontario Public Health Units, we licensed our COVID Case and Contact Tracing (CCT) application to the Province of British Columbia in 2020. Over the past two years, our CCT solution has experienced considerable growth, seamlessly integrating with the Provincial Health Services Authority and forging a truly efficient product, designed in collaboration with the teams actively handling COVID. The CCT application serves as a prime example of the technology and processes employed to create a flexible, real-time solution in response to a rapidly escalating healthcare crisis.
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